Monday 25 October 2010

Week Been ...

Philip has had a tough week with early morning Fitness and late night boxing/fitness ( including his own training ).
This week the morning trainings have tested his mind and body , He has gained a load of muscle and is More fit than before.
His Boxing Training is ALSO testing his fitness and his power Behind his punch.
He is learning the proper Stance and how to punch properly .
Hes learnt to take a few hits so he's prepared for the day of the fight, During a training session he took a punch to the kidney, it didn't hurt at first but the pain kicked in later on in the night.
In the short time hes been training his punches seem to be more powerful and straight.
He has just started learning about shots to the head,
His training is working and it'll sure show on the night of the fight.

Monday 18 October 2010

Monday 18th October

Today tested Philip Both physically and mentally, He woke up at 5.15 a.m for a 6.00a.m training at Les Mills, During that training he was made to have a 20kg sandbag on his shoulders while he kneels down then back up 25 times , then 20 times etc etc, going down in 5's.
Then in-between each 5 was 25 burpeys and 25 press ups , then going down in 5's.
After all that he had to goto work for the day then had a 5.30 fitness and boxing training .
As soon as he got to the gym he was made to get into the ring and warm up then have a hit at the pads.
5 minutes later and its on .. Him against His trainer , 3, 1 minute rounds , hitting from the shoulder down.
Each round wore Philip down and he got more tired and more tired .
It got to the 3rd round and he was just about ready to give up when his trainer Urged him to keep it up.
He kept his gloves up and his Shoulders High and Carried on .
His trainer told him that the mind always gives up before the body and that "all fights are won in the mind".
After all of those intense rounds he went on to do some more fitness .. with ab work outs and having a go on the punching bag it was all Crucial training before his match on the 26th of November .
He'd been training all week long , even at home in the garage, and he has Certainly got more fit from Where he had started .
The training may be killing him, but when it comes to fighting on the 26th he'll be ready.

Saturday 9 October 2010

Training / Photo Shoot, Oct 9

Today was a long tough day for Philip , 10 a.m Training till 11 a.m .
It tested his fitness and made him work hard.
He was working on his lower Abs By Holding his legs 18 inch's above the floor while lying on his back , then went down to 12 inch's  then 6 inches.
He spent alot of time on the punching bag and the floor .
After training he went to A Fight for youth Photo Shoot , While at that, he met his Opponent "Phil Le Poidevin"
They had some photos Together , and Individual photos. Group Photos Were Taken , Plus Everyone was video'd While Shadow Boxing , And punching the punching Bag.
Everyone was interviewed , with questions asked like ,
what is your charity ?
What do they do ?
And Philip Made it an easy interview for them.
Philip Had to do a weigh in . His Weight Was 91.7.
His Opponent Weighs alot more than him and has to lose a bit of weight.
But Philip Is Hoping  to gain weight Due To a increase In Muscle Throughout His Body.
At the End of the Day he Was Stuffed But is still determined to raise the most money for his charity "pillars" and also Beat Phil In The Ring.