Friday 1 July 2011

Fashion in the Ring

Yellow Pages Group staff Kristin O'Halloran and Tamina Roberts came 2nd and 3rd respectively 
Congratulations girls, the night was a fantastic success and we had a Awesome time
and most of all we Raised some fantastic money for Pillars

Thursday 21 April 2011

My Fight broadcast On CTV

Its been 5 Months since Fight for youth 2 and I must say I have not kept up with any type of training..I was doing a little to just maintain the muscle mass, the boys and i were going to go to Crichton Cobbers Youth and Fitness to get back into the major training and do some sparing...the day I was going to sign us all up we had a 6.3 Earthquake and the Crichton Cobbers fell down
so i have sat on my but doing nothing and looking at what action I am going to do myself..I dont want to end up where i was 3months before the fight
I have posted a video of my fight when it was Broadcast on CTV

Monday 20 December 2010

New Photos Just come in from Photographer

Focused on the job at hand 

 and he's down
Thank you to Genitha for presenting on behalf of Yellow
Now I feel better

Sunday 28 November 2010

On the Night

my fight which unfortunately only lasted 52 seconds, i was up against a great contender who was the better fighter on the night! (I have the war wounds to show for it, i am pretty sure i got some good ones in myself before i went down!)

I am pleased with the money my fundraising team raised for Pillars and I will be following up with Pillars what the money is used for.
Pillars is a fantastic organisation and I am extremely proud of all the efforts of my fundraising team.

I would also like to thank all of the Yellow team who came and supported me on the night, the atmosphere was amazing and you were all so supportive which was great thanks!
Also thank you to all the Yellow team who supported me through out this journey.

Bruce Cotterill CEO of Yellow is and extremely generous man and has been right behind this cause and I would like to thank him very much.

Big Thanks to my boxing trainers Bryan Barry and Garey Burgess for getting the most out of what they were given. I learnt so much from you guys and loved you guys pushing me around to get the best out of me

And last but not least a very big thank you to my family, especially my 15 year old twin sons, who came to trainings with me and encouraged me all the way.

I am very proud to have been a part of fight for youth and would encourage anyone to give it a go
I am telling you this isn't easy this is very real and as you have seen by Corey and my posts the training is hard but it is a fantastic adventure to be on with wonderful rewards along the way especially to raise money for a wonderful organisation please go to to see the great work they do to help youth.

Also Kristin O'Halloran in our online team and Tamina Roberts our Content Manager won second and third in the Events "Fashion in the Ring". Well done girls you looked Owesome 

Me and Verna (founder of Pillars) just after the fight
Kristin O'Halloran and Tamina Roberts Winning Second and Third!! Well done Girls you both looked beautiful!!

Friday 26 November 2010

Fight Night .

He was ready and excited , his Name is called out and he walks into the ring , They stand in their corners ready to fight , The bell rings and they're into it , Both Throwing Punches , Then 48 secs into the 1st round Philip is Jabbed in the side of the Gut then As He Bends down he gets a left hook to the face , 52 secs into the 1st Round . And the match is over . Lost By K.O .
It was all for Charity
and he raised Alot of money For "pillars".
Still Really proud he had the Guts to get into the ring with That Huge Beast .
Good On Ya , We're All proud .

Sorted for Fight Night

Had the weigh in Last night And I came in at 92.2 Kgs and my opponent came in at 95kgs which was a big effort cause 6 weeks ago he weighed in at 102 kgs 

I have trained for 6 weeks solid, I have lived and breathed Yellow and boxing with very little family time in between I have tried to get them involved where possible 
Tonight I will have my 15 year old Twin Sons Corey and Jordan walk me out to the ring
My fight is the second fight out of 9 fights
Am I nervous? Just a little at the moment.
I'm sure I'll be a bundle of nerves and adrenaline come ring time

I would like to thank all the companies that have donated product and all the people who have donated money, I really appreciate your support, you are all just Orsum
Toni, Sarah, Kym, Lea and Jason I am so extremely thankful for all your fundraising efforts you have all done a fantastic job and I would have not been able to achieve any where near what we have achieved in Dollars and product without you guys
I would like also to thank Travis for a great job on the web work and heading the raffle tickets in the Auckland office
Finally I would like to thank Bruce Cotterill and all the Yellow staff for all the encouraging support, it has been truly overwhelming and I am proud to be apart of such a great bunch of Colleagues nationwide

 Philip R

Monday 22 November 2010

The Week Before The Fight .

Philip had 2 more intense trainings before he softly trains before the fight this Fight . 
He Had the best Sparing Session he ever had on Sunday morning , And he is truly ready for the fight .
Hes come very far since the start of this 6 week training , He couldn't Throw a punch properly and he couldn't last 1 round .
Now he throws good punches , and he knows what to do , he can last 3 rounds and makes great shots .
Hes Now ready for the fight .. Cant wait .